Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox

I am providing some Very Useful Tips to speedup your Firefox.
In your location bar, type about:config
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen

In the filter bar type network.http.pipelining
You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

In the filter bar again and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Default it says 4 under value field and you need to change it to 8
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type network.http.proxy.pipelining
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type network.dns.disableIPv6
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type plugin.expose_full_path
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create new Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type nglayout.initialpaint.delay and click ok

Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type content.notify.backoffcount and click ok

Now you need to enter 5 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type ui.submenuDelay and click ok

Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Beberapa lebih Tweaks

Aktifkan pemeriksa ejaan untuk inputfields dan dihapus saja (default ada dihapus saja)

layout.spellcheckDefault = 2

Buka LastFM: / /-link secara langsung di amarok = amarok

network.protocol-handler.external.lastfm = true

Perbaiki Firefox Memory Leak

Buka tab baru. Ketik "about: config" tanpa tanda kutip ke address bar dan tekan enter / klik Go.

Klik kanan di manapun, pilih New, kemudian Integer. Dalam dialog konfirmasi yang muncul, ketik:


Klik OK. Dialog lain prompt akan muncul. Di sinilah Anda memutuskan berapa banyak memori untuk mengalokasikan ke Firefox. Hal ini tergantung pada seberapa banyak RAM komputer Anda memiliki, tetapi pada umumnya Anda tidak ingin mengalokasikan terlalu sedikit (di bawah 8MB), tetapi jika Anda mengalokasikan terlalu banyak, Anda mungkin juga tidak melakukan hal ini. Pengaturan direkomendasikan baik adalah 16MB. Jika Anda ingin 16MB, masukkan nilai ini ke dalam dialog prompt:


(Mengapa 16384 bukan 16000? Karena komputer menggunakan basis-12 menghitung Jadi 16 megabyte. = 16384 bytes Demikian juga,. jika anda ingin dua kali lipat dan mengalokasikan 32MB, Anda akan memasukkan 32768.)

Klik OK untuk menutup kotak dialog, kemudian tutup semua contoh dan restart Firefox. Jika Anda Firefox masih menggunakan jumlah memori yang sama, memberikan beberapa menit dan perlahan-lahan harus jelas Facebook. Jika gagal, cobalah reboot sistem.

Sekarang Anda Firefox sekarang akan 3 - 30 kali lebih cepat di loading halaman.

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi, software, dan tutorial

Artikel Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Rabu, 04 Mei 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox

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