1. Visit the website http://www.aol.com/ and create an account there.
Unhide Powered Keylogger at the monitored PC -> go to "Options" menu -> Advanced Options -> open "E-mail" tab and in the window which opens enter the following settings:
Mail From: login_name@aol.com
Mail To: login_name@gmail.com (your personal email address, not necessarily gmail)
SMTP server: smtp.aol.com
Port: 587
SMTP authentication checked
Login: login_name
Password: your_password
Now try to send the test email from PK.
2. We can also suggest you to try http://www.gmx.com/ service in order to send logs from Powered Keylogger. The recommended settings are:
Mail From: login_name@gmx.com
Mail To: login_name@gmail.com (your personal email address, not necessarily gmail)
SMTP server: mail.gmx.com
Port: 25
SMTP authentication checked
Login: login_name@gmx.com
Password: your_password
Now try to send the test email from PK. In case you still have issues e-mailing the logs from Powered Keylogger, please, contact us at support@eltima.com.
NB, You should remember several important points when setting logs e-mailing function of Powered Keylogger:
1. The monitored PC should have access to Internet to send e-mails.
2. If the target PC has some firewall product installed, you have to configure it so that Powered Keylogger has access to Internet and sending e-mails (refer to the User Manual to find detailed instructions).
3. Interval - set the interval how often you want to receive logs (the minimal interval which can be specified is 1 min but it is not recommended to set it so often)
4. Note that when you set the e-mail function of Powered Keylogger logs will be sent in the PKL file which can be open only with Powered Keylogger Logs Viewer on your other PC.
To install only Powered Keylogger Logs Viewer component uncheck the box "Powered Keylogger core driver" component during the installation process on your other PC. Then you will be able to use Powered Keylogger logs viewer component as an application to view logs sent in PKL file to your mail box.
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